In 2016, one of the most successful animated franchises in the world returns with its biggest comedy adventure yet, Kung Fu Panda 3. When Po's long-lost panda father suddenly reappears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain Kai begins to sweep across China defeating all the kung fu masters, Po must do the impossible-learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas.
This video comes just a month after we saw concept art of Panda Village, where Li and hundreds of pandas have been living in secret for years. This Kung Fu Panda sequel is directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who also helmed the worldwide hit Kung Fu Panda 2, and features a script by series writers Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. This animated movie sequel will go up against Disney's The Finest Hours on January 29, 2016.
Kung Fu Panda 3 Full Movie In Hindi
After introducing Li to Shifu and the Five, Po joins the Five to defend the Valley of Peace from Kai's jade zombies, the remains of the kung fu masters that had their chi stolen. Through research, the group learns that Kai and Oogway were once friends, and that Kai saved a wounded Oogway's life by taking him to a secret panda village to be healed. The pandas taught Oogway to give healing chi, but Kai learned to take chi from others for his own personal power, forcing Oogway to banish him to the Spirit Realm. Li offers to take Po to the village to learn chi and defeat Kai, while Shifu and the Five prepare to protect the Valley. Mr. Ping stows away, hoping to drive a wedge between Po and Li, but is soon discovered. Upon arriving at the village, Li refuses to teach Po chi until he has learned to live the relaxed lifestyle of a panda.
After an argument with Tigress, Po admits he cannot defeat Kai alone. Li, Mr. Ping and the pandas ask Po to teach them kung fu. Realizing what previously made him fail as a teacher, Po trains them to not imitate his kung fu but instead to use their everyday activities as kung fu skills. Between training, Po and Li reconcile, and both prepare for Kai's attack. 2ff7e9595c